0 850 290 31 73


İş Asset Balanced Fund Of Funds

The fund invests at least 80% of its portfolio in local and global mutual funds or ETFs. The main selection criterias of the fund are risk/return adjustment and liqudity of the instruments. The fund is manage in risk value range of 3-4.

Fund total value (TRY)
Fund inception date
Min. Purchase Order Size
Min. Sell Order Size
Fund's Annual Management Fee
2.50 %
Unit Price (TRY) 2/14/2025
Transaction Effective Date
T+1 BUY T+1 Sell

Return Info (%)

Year to date
Fund's Net Return (%)

% 2.94

Threshold Value / Benchmark

% 5.30

BIST-KYD 1 Month Deposit Index-TL + %1,5
Risk Level
4 / 7

Asset Allocation (%)

Fund %67.35
ETF %11.3
Precious Metals ETF %7.35
Collateral %3.18
Other %10.82

Fund charts

Return Comparison (%)

In case the period selected in the return representation coincides with the period before the fund establishment date, the return is not calculated for the relevant fund.

Unit Price

If the period selected for price display is before the fund establishment date, prices after the fund establishment date are displayed.

Graph footnote


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